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For the body is not one member, but many.

Browsing through this website you can find a lot of information about why using our creativity is so important for our connection with the Lord. If you feel inspired to dive (deeper) into prophetic art and learning to connect with the Lord, I'd like to provide you with some options to get started. 

These workshops are meant to help your creative journey with God and are focussed on finding a deeper connection with the Lord. Since we're all different, making art with God is a highly personal process. So the goal of these workshops is to help you find your own unique journey with the Lord.

A workshop should include... *

  • Spending time with God, receiving from Him directly and allowing Him to work in your heart and mind

  • Becoming more secure about recognizing & following Gods voice

  • Learning to tune into the Spirit more easily & follow His lead

  • Receiving some basic technical tips & tricks for creating art

Workshops that will become available are:

  • Prophetic collaging

  • Prophetic painting (mixed media)

  • Tuning into the Lord


* Please note that none of these workshops are focussed on developing your technical skills. If you'd like to improve your technique I would recommend using youtube videos or signing up for a class at your local art school.

Try-out workshops

At this moment I'm doing several try-out workshops.
These workshops will help me develop a good outline for workshops in the future. I will do this both online and physical (in the north of the Netherlands).

If you're interested in being part of one of these try-outs, feel free to contact me to see what workshops I'm working on right now.

As I put my hand to paper

As I let my muscles move
As I breathe in for the first notes
Or take my favorite tool

Will You meet me in this process

And show me what to do

Meeting You is all I want
I'm really here for You

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