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#1: spiritual

Listening closely

I hear Your voice

Leaning in closer

Connecting to Home

My heart starts joining

the rhythm of Yours

Now, we start art-ing
and discover some more

"The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims his handiwork.
Day to day pours out speech, and night to night reveals knowledge.
There is no speech, nor are there words, whose voice is not heard.
Their voice goes out through all the earth, and their words to the end of the world."

Unnamed song by David Ben Isai


Since the term 'prophetic art' isn't in the Bible, there isn't a perfect definition for it. However, here on From the Mere, I use it to describe 'creativity expression God speaks through.'

I make no distinction between:

  • the type of creative expression that's used: e.g. dance, knitting, doodling, poetry, forging, music, wood carving, painting

  • who the message is for: the artist or a recipient/audience

  • the technical quality of the art: museum-worthy or child drawing

  • when/where the message can be found: in the end result (e.g. a song, painting, sculpture, dance performance, etc.) or in the creative process (e.g. restoring brokenness in the artist's heart, or receiving the answer to prayer while dancing)


The great thing about prophetic art is that it's not about the end result. The essence of the art the message God speaks to or through you. Nothing you create can be more important than this message, and His ability to speak isn't dependent on your skill level, effort or spirituality. He simply speaks because we ask. This means that we can all create prophetic art.


Once words like “God”, “Bible” or “Prophetic” are added to something, it's easy to get into a serious and solemn mood. He is due all our awe and respect, but He's also the God of joy. He is described as laughing multiple times, bringing joy to people, creating joy in our hearts and He Himself has established parties and celebrations. He's also the God that dines with sinners, hears the cries of broken hearts, stands with those in battle.


He doesn't ask us to sit around being serious, because of who He is. Instead, He offers a safe place where we can be who we are, right where we are. We can come to Him boldly. So when you start creating there's no need to get into a solemn mood. Simply come as you are: feeling happy, sad, guilty, in-love, broken, giddy or numbed. And then allow God to speak into whatever situation your heart is in through your art.

Not being yourself can actually be a large blockage to really drawing near to God. Just like any human relationship: the depth of your relationship is largely dependent on openness and honesty.


God knows we're not perfect and if God wanted to send a perfect message through a perfect piece of art, He could've done it Himself. Instead, He CHOOSES to work through imperfect people, whose hearts are in the right place.

Your imperfect technical skills, individual style, and uniqueness will shine through the art you create with God. That doesn't make it less prophetic, it makes it a collaboration between God and a human being. All prophetic art is meant to be a collaboration.


Since the relationship each of us has with God is highly unique to who we are, our process of creating art with Him will also be a unique one. However, if you're just starting off, it might be very helpful to learn from the experience of others, so you have a starting point. Hopefully, the points below will help you to take off, though I want to ask you to remember that these aren't rules in any way.


  1. Pick a type of art that you're comfortable with.

  2. Try to minimize the risk of getting distracted.

  3. Make yourself comfortable.

  4. Try not to have a fixed idea

  5. Start by connecting your heart to the Lord.

  6. Invite the Lord into your art-process. Ask Him to speak and wait a little while.

  7. Did you receive something? Then get started, but leave room for Him to speak and change your mind

  8. If you didn't receive anything: start working anyway and let Him guide you. (look for string preferences for certain color,s materials, etc.)

  9. When you're done: Thank God for having spent time with you.


  1. The Lord is willing to work with our human limitations: spiritual limits, technical limits, and limits to available material. Just give Him the loaves and fishes you have.

  2. Perfectionism can be a serious blockage. Try to let go of your idea of what something should look like and just follow God. The power is in His presence, not in your skills.

  3. Don't get too focused on finding a message in the end-result. The message is often found in the process. For instance in the work process, the heart-process of the process of hearing Him speak.

  4. The less we are in our comfort zone, the more room we automatically leave for God. Experimenting is perfect for this! Most biblical heroes had to be taken out of their boxes to find God's purpose for their lives. So don't be afraid to mess up (or make a mess) and experiment!

  5. Including your whole body in making art can be tremendously powerful. Your body isn't a tool that the mind simply uses to execute its ideas. Your body movements influence your art greatly! Great musicians often know how this works (look at youtube!), but even when we do some tedious drawing we can include the entire body.

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