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It's safe here in my home town,

but nothing to explore.

When I stare into the distance

I notice so much more.

I faintly see the signs of freedom,
I've heard about that perfect Love

I'm deeply longing to discover
all that I've been dreaming of.

I know it's You who's calling me
towards this wild adventure
So I will pack and wander out
into this sweet surrender.


Hearing God

Just like parents ask a siblings to let us know dinner is ready, God will use other Christians to teach and direct us. Yet, passed-on messages aren't the same as building a relationship. A relationship requires direct interaction & communication. So we don't just hear instrcutions, but connect to His wonderful heart.

Jesus says "My sheep hear my voice" and "I call them by name", so we can all hear Him speak to us personally!

Since He's supernatural and we're used to earthly communication, a little help to get you started might be helpful.

These articles and examples might help you on your way.


the heart

Difficulty finding a deep connection with the Lord? There's a real chance that you closed yourself off and unwillingly shut Him out.

Life has wired us to hide our pain, sin, and weaknesses. Yet, you can't hide things from yourself without shutting God out. Walking through our pain with Him will not only set us free and unclog the pipe-line of your relationship with Him, but also create intense moments of deep bonding with our Maker.

Here you find encouragement, explanations, and examples on how to find that inner breakthrough.


Get creative!

The Great Creator created you in His image. This means that creativity is in your DNA. When we're ignoring our God-given ability to create, we're neglecting part of who we are.

Creating together with Him is a perfect way to get closer to both your Creator and yourself. So whether you cook, carve wood, dance, paint, doodle, fix wires, act, bake cakes, create jokes or make music: start experimenting. Get out of your comfort zone and start exploring. If no one sees you, what's there to lose?

  • it's a great way to practice hearing His voice & connecting with Him

  • very peaceful & clears the mind

  • very helpful in processing emotions and finding inner healing

  • changes our brain chemistry in a positive way

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