A couple of days ago, right after I woke up, I saw a picture much like the picture below: a word that's written in letters that ate spaced out so tightly that the word became unreadable.
It is a perfect picture of how my brain sometimes works: it blurts out a truckload of thoughts, tasks, and facts. More than it can process and properly align. So even though these thoughts are often important and helpful: it's hard for me to make sense of it.
I start doing five tasks at the same time while trying to retain the other thoughts I dee important (which I usually fail at). In the end, I am left with many half-finished tasks, several important things that I forgot, and a bunch of disappointment.
This small and simple image has helped me majorly in the past few days. As a reminder to 'align' the thoughts and tasks so I don't end up with a meaningless mess. To not overwhelm myself, but instead write them down, prioritize and avoid multi-tasking.
Don't you LOVE how God knows who we are?
How He cares about little things like 'how our brains work'?
The Bible is filled with great advice to mankind as a whole about how we function best. But God is also highly personable and knows that not everyone has the same "inner workings".
He cares so deeply, that He wants to teach us how our unique brains and bodies work. Teach us to function well and find inner unity and peace.
I love that about Him.